Because i get more and more PCBs, i need a SuperGun in my lab for testing purposes. I had an X-Arcade Solo Controller and a Commodore 1081 CRT available, so i thought this would be an ideal start for this project.
The space in the X-Arcade Controller is very limited. So the Motto was: „a highly integrated method of construction“ as you can see in the next picture 😉 It took a while to do all the cabling work.
Because the PSU was too tall to fit in the X-Arcade i had to lift the encasing a little bit. But no problem, X-Arcade mounted the encasing with brackets, so adding a few washers did the job as you can see in the next picture:
This will also help to keep the PSU cool, so no disadvantage anyway. You can see also the service and credit buttons and the test switch.
For the convenience i added a remote Pot to regulate the voltage.
A simple PC Speaker will do the trick for testing the pcb’s sound.
Added a Fuse and a integrated mains filter to eliminate any noise into the power net. We don’t want any troubles with our neighbors 😉 Then i modified a Scart Adapter and a IEC power connector and there you go:
All in all it took us a while to assemble this SuperGun, but the outcome is worth the time 😉 Thanks to Andy for helping me!
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